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Corrie Dyer

Corrie Dyer

Kentucky Crafted Artist
  • Graphics; Mixed Media 2-D


    ​Acorn Valley Art is all about the places we call home. My home is surrounded by oaks and therefore acorns. For me, they symbolize the potential in small things, the incredible possibilities of new beginnings. I believe that the little things matter and that slowing down to savor small moments is well worth the time. I love creating meaningful pieces that help others tell their story or capture a memory. I've been honored to watercolor a series of family homes destroyed by floods in Eastern Kentucky, often piecing the image together from existing photos. I know I've succeeded when the recipient tears up as they receive a keepsake of a place that they hold dear.

    There's plenty of beautiful art out in the wide world, but I want to narrow the focus to draw attention to what may be overlooked closer to home, to help others see familiar places in a fresh way. Whether I'm using inks or watercolors, I want to embrace the process and not stress over lines that aren't perfect. Art is my attempt to slow down time, to find contentment and beauty in the ordinary present.

    I began my art journey with nature journaling and found that I love sketching buildings as well. I first developed my Hometown-in-the-Round series while playing with a new fountain pen, just trying to see what it would do. I love watching people respond when they see my work in this series for the first time, turning their heads to try to take it all in and figure out how elements are arranged.  I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next as this little acorn grows​.​

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