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Roger Ballard

Roger Ballard

Kentucky Crafted Artist
  • Photography


    ​​Since I was a young boy, I have always been curious about photography. As the youngest of eight children, I was lucky that I ever got to touch, not to mention use, the family’s Kodak Instamatic camera. As my brothers and sisters started their adult lives, the camera finally fell in to my hands. Strangely, instead of taking snapshots of people, I took photos of trees, animals, scenery and whatever else caught my eye.

    Traveling is something I always wanted to do, but it never really happened. After meeting the love of my life, Virginia, we began to travel. My wife and I have traveled extensively over the years and there has always been a camera with me.

    If it is scenic Kentucky, New England, the American West, Europe or just our backyard — the world around continues to inspire me. I am still the curious young boy looking through the viewfinder, wondering what he can find.

    I am a native Kentuckian whose roots here date back to the 1780s. My wife and I have lived in Versailles since 2001. I earned Bachelors and Masters Degrees in engineering from the University of Kentucky and am a retired structural engineer. My other passions include tennis, travel.

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