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Linda Bowman

Linda Bowman

Kentucky Crafted Artist
  • Ceramics


    ​Handcrafted objects have always held my attention.  Growing up in the mountains of Tennessee, I was introduced at an early age to various types of artisans. The “Plum Nelly” clothesline art show was held each Fall with brightly colored quilts, carefully glazed pots and fine paintings displayed among the leaves of the mountain top.

    I have chosen to work in porcelain clay. The white body allows for a variety of decorating methods, much like a blank canvas.  Sgraffito, embellishing and brush work bring a piece to life, often enhanced by a surprise of color. My choice of a predominantly black and white palette adds a feel of urban sophistication to the work.  Most recently I have begun to explore altering wheel thrown shapes to create more complex and interesting pieces.

    In shaping and designing my work I am often inspired by the Asian influence of simple line and form.  Creating pieces that can be put to daily use and are also objects of beauty is my goal.  When my mug is the one reached for on the shelf, when one of my bowls is the “only” one for ice cream, I have entered into a relationship with another that is both moving and profound.  We are connecting.  I like that thought.

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