When I was a little girl my next door neighbor was from Germany. That is the first time I ever saw a Goose Feather Christmas Tree with all the old ornaments. I thought it was so ugly! I always kept that tree in my mind and as I got older and read the history of the feather tree, I was intrigued BUT they were so expensive and the old ones (if you can find them) were more than expensive. After mulling it over for a few years I decided I would try to make one. With a magnified glass I looked at every picture I could find in all my old Christmas story books. I asked my husband if he would help with the drilling, the wires, etc. Some of the authentic things I couldn't find such as the cigar wrappers. But, after two weeks with feathers all over the house, a husband that said I don't have time (he was a farmer and it was time for harvest) and many mistakes and worn nerves, I finished my first tree. I still have it and laugh every time I look at it. I have made many, many trees since and am proud that I conquered a traditional craft, won awards and sent them all over the world. But the best part is when an older person (with tears in their eyes) hugs me and says I remember this as a child in Germany---it is just as I remembered it.