My first weaving experience was making pot holders on a simple loom at the young age of five and I’m still weaving fifty-plus years later. I taught public school art for over thirty years and textiles was always my area of expertise. I continue to be intrigued with color combinations. Seeing how different weave structures totally change by using a different treddling or warp color is fascinating.
After weaving with many different fibers I have settled on 100% baby alpaca for my scarves. I use an eight harness loom, which weaves a very drapeable, soft and fine fabric. The seventy-two inch lengths allow for a variety of tying techniques. My Fleece & Flax partner, Cecy Thompson coordinates hats of the same fiber and color scheme. We enjoy producing sets but each are also sold separately.
My weaving education is life long. I will continue the journey of discovering warp and weft combinations, they are endless.