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Mary Hamilton

Mary Hamilton

Performing Artist
  • Storytelling and Theatre
  • Number of Performers: 1
  • Fee Range: $300 and up
  • Available for Block Booking


​​​​​​Mary Hamilton travels throughout Kentucky and the nation telling stories and teaching others about the art of storytelling. Through her repertoire of stories suitable for varied ages and venues, Mary entrances with fairy tales, chills with haunting tales, provokes thought with first person autobiographical tales, enhances appreciation of Kentucky folklore with a truly wide sampling of Kentucky folktales, engages the youngest listeners with joining in telling, entertains older citizens with an art form many fondly recall from their earlier days and much more.

Through her workshops, she facilitates sessions ranging from Storying Your Message, about using storytelling to make a point, to All Together Now, about incorporating active audience participation into the retelling of stories, to Parents as Storytellers, about engaging children and passing on the importance of family through storytelling.

In 2012 University Press of Kentucky published “Kentucky Folktales: Revealing Stories, Truths, and Outright Lies,” a collection of 26 tales written as closely as possible to how Mary tells them, with each tale followed by commentary about the behind the scenes workings of the storytelling art.

It isn't surprising that members of the National Storytelling Network honored Mary with a Circle of Excellence ORACLE award presented to fewer than one hundred storytellers nationwide, or that members of the Kentucky School Media Association presented her with a Jesse Stuart Award for her storytelling in Kentucky schools.

Visit to learn more about her work and her award-winning CDs.

Minimal Technical Requirements

Minimum stage size: 6 feet x 4 feet
Lighting: enough so audience can see the artist and she can see them
Sound: one microphone on a stand with appropriate amplification
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